data: user(30) type c value 'output1=on', pwd(30) type c, host(64) type c value '', dest like rfcdes-rfcdest value 'SAPFTP'. pwd = 'test'. data: hdl type i, key type i value 26101957, slen type i. data: begin of result occurs 0, line(100) type c, end of result. set extended check off. slen = strlen( pwd ). call function 'HTTP_SCRAMBLE' exporting source = pwd sourcelen = slen key = key importing destination = pwd. call function 'FTP_CONNECT' exporting user = user password = pwd host = host rfc_destination = dest importing handle = hdl. call function 'FTP_DISCONNECT' exporting handle = hdl. call function 'RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE' exporting destination = dest exceptions others = 1.