Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Data sheet:


Management and inventorying tool

WuTility is the free central management tool for all W&T network components. It not only provides support in initial startup and configuration of the devices, but its archiving and inventory functions are also an administration level aid during operation. For example, you can save the device lists from various locations on a notebook and recall them as needed or subject them to a status check. Quick-start a configuration session via Telnet or browser, copy configuration profiles between devices, archiving them or signalling any IP address conflicts are among the other frequently used functions.


  • Function Overview

    • Automatically generated inventory list of all W&T devices in the local network
    • Convenient assigning of the IP address at initial installation
    • Clear representation of all devices with all the key data:
      • MAC address
      • IP address
      • host name
      • Product and model information
      • Hardware/software version
      • Freely editable description (e.g., location)
    • Quick-starting the browser and/or telnet configuration
    • Archiving configuration profiles
    • Group configuration by copying configuration profiles
    • Automated startup and configuration of replacement units
    • Firmware updates with automatic version checking
  • System requirements

    • Windows operating system - all versions from XP/2003 to 11/2022
    • Network card (Ethernet)
    • Installed TCP/IP stack