Safe shopping
& sightseeing
Measure + visualize customer count
Most businesses and tourist sights have a way of counting persons as they enter and leave. The offers highly simple to implement, individually adaptable possibilities for making these count data for personnel and managers available at any time and visualizing them for customers in an appropriate way. The Scanmarketing company has for example economically retrofitted furniture stores with frequency measurement or implemented visitor counts on the grounds of Castle Neuschwanstein.

Regulatory requirements and proven visitor counting
Customer and visitor counting has been important in business and cultural institutions for decades already. These statistics are of particular interest to the marketing departments, who use visitors numbers, time spent and conversion rates to be better able to reach prospects based on visitor or customer interest. But regulatory requirements and pandemic related regulations make counting visitors a necessity, to determine for example how many persons are permitted to be in an area at the same time. Fire codes require that occupancy numbers be immediately available at any time. To meet these requirements the W&T Web-Count has proven itself by detecting the count pulses from a wide variety of signal sources. But the Web-IO Digital is also highly useful for counting persons. Then the data can be recalled easily over the network.
Recall and visualize data on any device
How many customers are in the furniture store or on the castle grounds at any given moment is determined by a W&T The continually polls the measurement values from the web counts and computes the difference between entries and exits. This makes the current number of persons available whenever desired and in real time. And the best part: the application provides a suitable display option for any interested party: Security personnel inside and outside of the castle can use any desired mobile terminal device to view the count over the network or from the cloud - live in everyday or hazard situations. In addition, when a predetermined limit value is reached, supervisory personnel can be notified, for example by using the switching output on a Web-IO to turn on a warning light. And not least, visitors and customers are notified as to the occupancy of the grounds. This can be displayed for example at a central location such as the entry area in any way desired. Now everyone involved has a continuous overview of the number of persons in the corresponding areas.

Experts in people counting
Since 1995 Scanmarketing has been implementing solutions for visitor and passerby counting in retail and wholesale, shopping centers or pedestrian zones, including several hundred furniture stores. W&T Webcounts and the are installed for example in the "SafecountOpen" package, the economical supplement to frequency measuring systems.
Installation and startup are completed in just a few hours. A very fast, lasting and economical solution.[Rainer Weingang, Scanmarketing]