Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for USB-Server Industry:

USB ISDN fax modems in virtual systems

VMware / Windows Virtual PC / VirtualBox

USB Server connected over the network

Definition of tasks

With the increasing use of visualization solutions, completely new problems arise. Do you have a USB ISDN fax modem connected to your old Windows server and need to port this USB device to the visualized server?

Connecting the guest systems to the network terminal of the base system is standard and generally implemented with sufficient robustness. On the other hand, passing local USB ports through to virtual guest systems is, due to the complex relationship between various driver instances, much more difficult and usually much less stable.

The solution

With the W&T USB Redirector any virtual machine (VMware, Windows Virtual PC, VirtualBox) gets its own, likewise virtual USB host controller which is independent of the base system. Its physical communication takes place using the proven, robust network link to a USB-Server in the field, to which the actual USB devices are connected.

The details

The W&T USB Redirector provides virtual machines with their own virtual USB host controller. This host controller behaves just like a local USB controller with respect to the operating system, whereby communication with the peripheral is tunneled through the network to the USB-Server and the USB devices connected there. In other words, the device-specific USB drivers and applications remain unchanged and there is no dependency on the USB resources of the main system. If desired, the virtual USB connection can be "permanently" configured, so that for example it is enabled as soon as the system is restarted. With the W&T USB Redirector implemented as a Windows kernel-mode driver, no user login is needed for this automatic reconnect function.

  • 1. The USB-Server is connected to the network and receives its IP parameters via DHCP or using the WuTility management and inventorying tool.
    Photo: Network socket
  • 2. The fax modem (e.g. Fritz! Card USB) is then connected to the USB-Server.
    Photo: USB socket
  • 3. The W&T USB Redirector is installed on the virtual system and the configuration tool started.
    USB Redirector
  • 4. Select the modem from the inventory list and virtually plug it in via mouse click.
    USB-Server inventory list
  • 5. After installing the driver the ISDN fax modem is available.
    Fax sending over the windows print system
  • 6. Now you can again access the USB ISDN fax modem in your application.

    Some examples include:

    • Remote desktop for remote maintenance
    • Fax software
    • DATEV server software
    • Internet dial-up connection

Practical examples:
Porting USB Highspeed devices in VMware / VirtualBox / Windows Virtual PC
Visualizing serial COM ports
