Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Success story:

Twins always come in pairs

Increase your productivity with TwinHub & IoT-Box

W&T Hardware + TwinHub Platform
They match like siblings: The cloud solution TwinHub and W&T web components

Are unclear operating data increasing your costs?

"But it’s running," could be what you hear from many operators about their production facilities. Because as long as production continues and is showing a profit, there seems to be no need to intervene. But who knows exactly how many resources are being wasted and how much more could actually be produced? Unclear or incomplete operating data such as machine run times, fault events or energy consumption data can result in production losses and lead to increased costs. That having only a vague understanding of what’s happening in production is clearly less than desirable. But there is always the fear that implementing an MES system or data monitoring and management could represent a significant additional cost factor and great time expense.

Digital twin saves resources and increases productivity

But costly reorganization of the plant or other intervention into running processes is not even necessary. The solution is to visualize production machinery as digital twins in the cloud. This means that all available process data are colelcted and structored so that they can be used as the basis for easily making decisions regarding adaptations and changes in process and sequence. This minimizes the waste of valuable resources while increasing production. All you need is a module for physically linking the machine to the cloud, and a platform which makes the data available in a user-friendly manner. This is exactly what the total solution "TwinHub" from Powerhouse Solutions offers, using selected W&T components: Web-IOs link any number of machines to your production network, the W&T rule.box prepares the machine data so that it can be intuitively viewed in TwinHub and managed there.

Graphic: detailed view for availability, runtime and shift performance.
Everything at a glance! Here: Detailed view for availability, runtime and shift performance.

Retrofit using W&T hardware: Incorporating machines made easy

Because TwinHub works using W&T components, implementation is as simple as you would expect: no intervention into the existing installation is needed, you simply expand it with selected W&T components like the TwinHub rule.Box and the necessary number of digital Web-IOs. These components collect and "translate" physical signals from the machines into readable and interpretable data such as cycle, the good/bad quantity or downtimes. Even older machines can be seamlessly linked to the cloud via Ethernet. The W&T components offer comprehensive connectivity for linking virtually any production machine - retrofitting couldn’t be easier.

TwinHub cloud & software: Data-driven processes & precise overview from anywhere

TwinHub gives you a precise, complete overview of the entire production process: from running times and downtimes to fault patterns, reject quantities and energy consumption, including the CO2 footprint. This data gives you a comprehensive picture of the performance and capacity utilization of your production. Is a job not running optimally? Is there unnecessary downtime? Are set-up processes carried out efficiently? Where is there room for improvement? Only those who know their production in detail can adapt and optimize it before problems occur. Thanks to the cloud solution from Powerhouse Solutions, the data can be viewed in real time from anywhere and from any device. The SaaS model (Software-as-a-Service) ensures that the solution is always up-to-date. Software updates are no longer required by your IT department.

Function graphic: energy monitoring with TwinHub
TwinHub lets you connect various systems and protocols. For example, monitoring energy consumption in a wide range of process steps is extremely easy.

Feels like family: Our partner Powerhouse Solutions

This growing company from South Westphalia has set itself the goal of lowering the hurdles of digitalization for companies. Founder and managing director David Stania has over 20 years of experience in production and software development, and has developed TwinHub to be a user-friendly framework for enabling efficient machine linking and effortless efficiency increase especially for small and medium-size operations.

With W&T, we have found the ideal partner for hardware and can offer medium-sized manufacturing companies a lean, cloud-based platform for production , says David Stania [founder of Powerhouse Solutions].

W&T IoT components

  • Web-IO digital

    Web-IO digital
    Web-IO digital 24V

    Switching signals in the network

  • rule.box

    rule.box digital

    Automating with Node-RED

  • Serial device server


    Serial interfaces in the network

  • USB-Device Server

    USB Server Gigabit 2.0
    USB Server

    USB devices in the network

  • Support

    Person with headset
    Could you use some assistance?
    We’re here for you!

    You can reach our applications engineers at +49 202-2680-110

  • Website

    TwinHub logo

    Learn more about TwinHub
