Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for the Web Thermometer:

Web Thermometer as a medium for FDA-compliant systems


Temperatures directly via the network to your FDA-compliant
processing software.

The paper-warfare with manually noted temperature data will soon be over. The first
IT-compliant, and also FDA21 CFR Part 11-compliant, processing solutions are already
available. But what do you do if the measurement locations are widely distributed in the field and all data are to be collected
centrally? W&T provides the solution of easily transmitting temperature data via the network directly
to central systems.

The details

The configuration of the box which is no larger than a pack of cigarettes already includes everything you require for this
application; namely a TCP/IP Ethernet connection and access for the
temperature sensor supplied. The temperature can be read out directly using TCP/IP socket instructions via the existing intranet /
Internet connection and processed as plain text by almost any
network-compatible application. The only configuration step which the
Web Thermometer requires is the assignment of an IP address within your network.
