Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for Web Thermometers:

Reading the temperature

directly in your web browser


You can represent temperature and relative humidity values directly in your web browser. This gives you the overview of relevant data which can be accessed at any time.

Would you like to incorporate your temperature data directly in a communication platform? Then take a look at the corresponding application for the rule.box.

1. Configuration of your Web Thermometer

  • Start up your unit by connecting the sensor, power supply and network cable and assigning an IP address using WuTility or DHCP. Then open the browser.

    Web-Therm configuration

2. Open the unit

  • Open the start page of the unit by entering the IP addressed you assigned in Step 1 in the address line of your web browser.

    IP address screenshot
  • The current measurements can be read directly on the start page.

  • Measurement values screenshot
Do you not have a Web Thermometer but simply want to try this out using the example?

No problem: We will be happy to provide you with a unit for 30 days at no charge. Order the Web Thermometer as a sample and we will ship it to you for testing on open account. If you return the unit within 30 days, we will mark the invoice as fully paid.

To the Web Thermometers

No idea which Web Thermometer is the right one for you?

Our qualified team of engineers will be glad to assist you.
You can reach us by telephone at +49 202/2680-110 or by email at info@wut.de.
