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Monitor, archive and display temperature, relative humidity and air pressure
Web Thermometers are measuring devices which depending on the type detect temperatures, relative humidity and barometric pressure and provide the values to the network. The devices include an integrated data logger and numerous Web and network services for manually querying the measurement values or for independently sending messages.
Web Thermometer with thermocouple:
Web Thermometer NTC or PT100
#57714 (NTC) probe: -45°C ... 75°C
#57725 (PT100) probe: -50°C ... 180°CWeb-Thermo-Hygrometer
#57720 W&T thermocouple: -40°C ... 85°C & 0 % ... 100 % rH
#57713 W&T thermocouple: -40°C .. 85°C, 0 % .. 100 % rH & 10-1100 hPa
Other models can be found in the Product Overview.
Common product features
Graphic display of the stored temperature values
Monitor temperatures and processes through a browser
SNMP temperature polling /Alarm traps
E-mail for alarm or reporting functions
Detailed information and instructions for ordering a test sample can be found on the respective data sheet:
Web Thermometer NTC #57714
Web Thermometer PT100 #57725
Web-Thermo-Hygrometer #57720
Web-Thermo-Hygrobarometer #57713
Simplified integration procedure for W&T devices with network connection
1. Attach temperature or combi-sensor.
2. Connect device to the network.
3. Connect power supply.
(Alternatively PoE may also be used for power) -
4. Assign IP address.
(Now made even easier by our management tool WuTility) -
5. That’s it!
Read out:
- directly from the Web browser interface,
- in your own application via TCP/IP socket/UDP query,
- in management systems (SNMP, OPC),
and send alarms via e-mail and SNMP trap.
You will find a live demo here.