Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Web-Graph Air Quality:

Ensure healthy fresh air

Temperature, relative humidity and CO2/VOC...

    • Web-Graph Air Quality

      (450-2000 ppm)


      (0–85 °C)

    • OK measure

      OK report

      OK document

      ... measure

      ... report

      ... document

  • Increase performance:
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Increase performance:

Fatigue and reduced performance:

A frequent cause of fatigue and reduced performance in the office is stale room air. Higher CO2 values make you tired. In addition, odor-causing compounds result in distracting smells in enclosed spaces.

Always know air quality with a VOC/CO2 sensor:

With the air quality sensor from W&T you always have a fix on air quality: VOC, volatile organic compounds measured and represented as CO2 equivalents, limit violations are indicated on a traffic-light type display, reported via email and are also available when needed from the W&T cloud. You no longer have to feel tired and listless at the office!

  • Document offline/online:
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Document offline/online:

Visualization with Web-Graph

Visualization with Web-Graphs

Continuous availability everywhere

Continuous documentation of the measurement data in the online memory enables access to the measurement data anytime and anywhere.

Individual visualization

Views can be custom defined and diagrams and graphs combined as desired. Other authorized users also have access to your displays.

Measuring data storage local and online

Measurement values can be stored directly on the sensor and viewed when needed directly from your browser (without using the cloud). Limit violations are reported and displayed on the LED indicator located on the device.

Optionally you can automatically send the measurements from the device to the W&T cloud, save and document them there and report limit violations.

  • Then simply:
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Then simply:

Information about 57620 See more details, or use guest access at wutcloud.de to view live.

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Email to friendsFeedback with colleagues, family and friends via e-mail, or with a W&T engineer.

Do you have questions about the cloud or about air quality measurement via the network?

Our technical team is available to answer questions on Mon.-Fri. from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at: +49 202 / 2680-110.
