Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for ERP Gateways:

Switching using command line and Windows utilities

The command line-based FTP client is included with the standard tools of all Windows versions. The following application describes how one or more outputs of the ERP Gateway can be switched using just one command line - without special drivers or software, without programming and with no user intervention.

If the switching action needs to take place at certain times and/or cyclically, the action can be integrated into the Windows task scheduler. This makes it possible for example to automatically switch on a light when the computer is booted up.

1. Preparations

You have already supplied your ERP Gateway(s)
  • with power,
  • connected it to your network,
  • assigned it an IP address - which with WuTility is no problem.
As for the rest, the ERP Gateway is already fully pre-configured.

2. Opening the FTP

When opening the Windows FTP client, a control file may be optionally specified:

ftp -s:[Steuerdatei]

The contents of this control file consists of the plain text list of all the commands to be carried out in order by the client. In the following example first the connection to the ERP Gateway is opened, and after the greeting message the command is sent as a login name. When the password is confirmed, the desired output is immediately switched and the FTP client is closed again using QUIT.


Do you not have an ERP Gateway but still would like to simply try out the example shown here?

No problem: We will be glad to supply you with an ERP Gateway for 30 days at no charge. Simply fill out the sample order form, and we will ship the ERP Gateway on open invoice. If you return the unit within 30 days, we will credit the invoice in full.

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