Application for the Web-IO Digital:

The inputs, counter and outputs of the Web-IO Digital can be simply Visualized on a Web page using JavaScript and a few images. Incorporation of the Web-IO applet provides for continuous updating of the display.
Using the following copy&paste example you can represent a current value measured by your Web-IO Digital on a Web page.
You have already provided your Web-IO Digital
- with power,
- connected it to your network,
- assigned it an IP address - which with WuTility is no problem.
Copy the JavaScript (shown in blue) from the following example into the <head> area of your Web page.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var ypositopn = 223;
var xposition = 100;
var xdifferenc = 14;
var maxdigits = 6;
document.write("<img border=’0’ src=’cmeter.gif’ style=’position:absolute; top:190px; left:36px’>");
counterdigit = new Array(maxdigits);
for (i=0; i<maxdigits; i++)
{ counterdigit[i] = new multipic(100+i,"digit_","gif",9,ypositopn,xposition + i*xdifferenc,’nolink’);
function multipic(id, img_name, img_ext, img_count, ypos, xpos, link)
{ img_count++;
this.multipics = new Array( img_count );
this.multipic_count = img_count;
this.multipic_id = id; // class variables
for (ii=0; ii<img_count; ii++)
{ this.multipics[ii] = new Image();
this.multipics[ii].src = img_name+ii+’.’+img_ext;
this.Set = picSet; // Class method
if (link == "nolink")
{ document.write("<img id=’"+this.multipic_id+"’ style=position:absolute;top:"+ypos+"px;left:"+xpos+"px src="+this.multipics[0].src+" border=0>");
{ document.write("<a href=’javascript:" + link + "(" + id + ");’><img id=’"+this.multipic_id+"’ style=position:absolute;top:"+ypos+"px;left:"+xpos+"px src="+this.multipics[0].src+" border=0></a>");
function picSet(iCount)
{ for (ii=0; ii<this.multipic_count; ii++)
{ if(iCount==ii)
{ document.getElementById(this.multipic_id).src = this.multipics[ii].src;
function counterChanged( iDevice, iNr, iVal )
{ if (iNr==0)
var i=maxdigits;
var digitvalue;
digitvalue = parseInt(iVal/Math.pow(10,i));
while(i> 0)
{ iVal = 0;
function setPassword()
document.applets["dio"].setPassword( document.forms[0].tfPassword.value );
document.forms[0].tfPassword.value = ’’;
2. Incorporate applet into Web page
- Copy the applet data (in blue) to the <body> area of your Web page.
- Insert the IP address of your Web-IO Analog.
<body style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<applet name="dio" archive="dio.jar" code="dio.class" codebase="" height="0" width="0" mayscript>
<param name="device" value="0">
<param name="showerrors" value="off">
<param name="inputpolling" value="off">
<param name="outputpolling" value="off">
<param name="counterpolling" value="on">
<param name="pollingrate" value="1000">
Java ist nicht aktiviert oder wird nicht unterstützt
3. Password form
If your Web-IO is password protected, also copy the password form (shown in blue) to the <body> area of your Web page. In this case the Web page can only communicate with the Web-IO after the password has been sent.
<input type="password" name="tfPassword" maxlength="31" size="20">
<input type="button" value="senden" onclick="setPassword()">
Now all you need is the images associated with the display object, which we have provided here for downloading: .zip (approx. 11 kB). Please place the images in the directory in which the Web page with the JavaScript and applet data are located.
No problem: We will be glad to send you the Web-IO Digital 2xInput, 2xOutput PoE at no charge for 30 days. Simply fill out a sample ordering form, and we will ship the Web-IO for testing on an open invoice. If you return the unit within 30 days, we will simply mark the invoice as paid.
To sample orders