Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for the Web-IO Digital:

Automated switching with VBScript and batch jobs

In many smaller switching tasks it is not worth the effort to create special application software or purchase expensive automation tools. Here it’s enough to initiate the desired switching operation by simply clicking on an incon or entering a command. By using the Web-IO Digital and short VBScripts you can implement such solutions with just a few lines of commands.

Automatic switching with VBScript

VBScript is an easy-to-program interpreter language supported by all current Windows versions. As the name (Visual Basic Script) implies, the syntax of VBScript is derived from Visual Basic. No special development environment is required to create VBScripts - all you need is a text editor. We recommend the free PSPAD editor (www.pspad.com), which has syntax coloring for VBScript. When saving VBScripts the file extension ".vbs" is used.

The examples below show how VBScript and the Web-IO interact.


1. Set an output using VBScript

When the following script is invoked, Output 0 on the Web-IO having IP address is set.

’ VB Script Document
option explicit

Dim objHttp
Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
If objHttp Is Nothing Then Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest")
  objHttp.Option(4) = 256 + 512 + 4096 + 8192
  objHttp.SetTimeouts 0, 5000, 10000, 10000
  objHttp.Open "GET", "", FALSE
  objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", WScript.ScriptName
  objHttp.Send ""
If Not (objHttp.statusText = "OK") Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.statusText
  WScript.Quit 1
  WScript.Echo objHttp.ResponseText
End If

The core of this script is the WinHttp object, which is used to send commands to the Web-IO. The actual command is passed using objHttp.Open. specifies that Output 0 on Web-IO is to assume the ON state.

objHttp.ResponseText reads in the response from the Web-IO. For command outputaccess the Web-IO returns a string consisting of the word output, a semicolon and the output status.

Example output;1

A detailed description of the possible Web-IO commands can be found in the manual for the Web-IO starting on page 102.

2. Invoking VBScripts from batch jobs

Batch jobs under Windows were originally intended for automatically running Windows commands. A classic example is the Autoexec.bat in older DOS environments. A list of commands is entered in the batch file which are processed sequentially when the list is opened.

In Windows systems this means you can automate scripts and the opening of programs. If for example you want to switch outputs on different Web-IOs with a call, this can also be done using a batch job.

The corresponding names of the VBScripts need to be written below each other in the batch file. In the case of scripts like the one above, you need to create a separate script for each switching operation.

This is why in batch jobs it makes more sense to create a universally usable script which when it is invoked is told using additional parameters what the switching task consists of. In the following VBScript you can pass these parameters to it when invoked:

IP IP address of the Web-IO
PORT TCP port of the Web-IO This parameter is optional; if it is not transmitted, the script uses Port 80
PW Administrator or operator password for the Web-IO This parameter is optional; if it is not transmitted, the script runs without a password
MASK indicates in hex format which outputs are supposed to be set. This parameter is optional; if it is not transmitted, the script runs using all outputs
STATE indicates in hex format to which state the outputs are supposed to be set

The script invocation looks as follows:

setoutput.vbs IP=<IP address> [PORT=<portno.>] [PASSWORD=<password>] [MASK=<hex value>] STATE=<hex value>

’ VB Script Document
option explicit

Dim objArgs, strArg, strArgall
Dim objHttp
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

’# Make sure that script starts as console application (best way "cscript //h:cscript")
Dim WshShell : Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If Right(WScript.FullName, Len(WScript.Fullname) - Len(WScript.Path) -1) _ = "WScript.exe" Then
  For each strArg in objArgs
    strArgall = strArgall & " " & strArg
  WshShell.Run "cmd /k cscript " & Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName _ & Chr(34) & strArgall
End If

’# Check if there are Parameters
If WScript.Arguments.count < 1 Then
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
  WScript.Echo "* Not enough arguments *"
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
  WScript.Echo ""
  WScript.Echo "Syntyx: setoutput.vbs
  IP=<IP address> [PORT=<portno.>] _
  [PASSWORD=<password>] [MASK=<hex value>] STATE=<hex value>"
End If

’# Read the Parameters
for each strArg in objArgs
  If Left(strArg,3) = "IP=" then
    IP = Mid(strArg, 4, Len(strArg) - 3)
  End If

  If Left(strArg,5) = "PORT="	then
    PORT = Mid(strArg, 6, Len(strArg) - 5)
  End If

  If Left(strArg,9) = "PASSWORD=" then
    PASSWORD = Mid(strArg, 10, Len(strArg) - 9)
  End If

  If Left(strArg,5) = "MASK=" then
    MASK = Mid(strArg, 6, Len(strArg) - 5)
  End If

  If Left(strArg,6) = "STATE=" then
    STATE = Mid(strArg, 7, Len(strArg) - 6)
  End If

’# Mount the command String
If IP <> "" then
  URLStr = "http://" & IP
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
  WScript.Echo "* Not enough arguments : IP *"
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
End If

If PORT <> "" then
  URLStr = URLStr & ":" & PORT
End If

URLStr = URLStr & "/outputaccess?PW=" & PASSWORD & "&"

If MASK <> "" then
  URLStr = URLStr & "Mask=" & MASK & "&"
End If

If STATE <> "" then
  URLStr = URLStr & "State=" & STATE & "&"
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
  WScript.Echo "*  Not
  enough arguments : STATE   *"
  WScript.Echo "***********************************"
End If

’# Send the Command String via HTTP object
Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
If objHttp Is Nothing Then Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest")
objHttp.Option(4) = 256 + 512 + 4096 + 8192
objHttp.SetTimeouts 0, 5000, 10000, 10000
objHttp.Open "GET", URLStr, FALSE
objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", WScript.ScriptName
objHttp.Send ""
If Not (objHttp.statusText = "OK") Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: "& objHttp.statusText
  WScript.Quit 1
  WScript.Echo objHttp.ResponseText
End If

After the selected action has been performed, the script returns the status of the outputs.

e.g. output:0100

The status message consists of the word output, a semicolon and the output status in hex format.

TIP: The Windows Script Host (WSH) is responsible for running VBScripts; WSH is present in two variants on every Windows PC. The variants Wscript and Cscript differ mainly in how the data are output. Unless otherwise configured, the scripts are processed using Wscript, and text messages are output in a Windows dialog box. The disadvantage to this is that the user has to acknowledge each message in order for the script to continue. This type of processing is undesirable for use in batch jobs.

By entering the command wscrit //H:cscript, CScript is defined as the standard Script Host. CScript returns all messages in a DOSBOX and does not wait for confirmation.

The script shown above checks which Script Host is active, cancels if WScript is active and restarts using CScript.

Still, to ensure that the script can run faster, it is recommended that you switch to CScript from the outset.

Additional programming examples for socket programming can be found on the tool pages for the Web-IO. A detailed description for the socket interface of the Web-IO Digital models can be found in the reference manual.

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