Application for the Web-IO Digital:
Controlling the Web-IO Digital with a mobile phone
The iPhone as a remote controller
Mobile phones are carried by nearly everyone today. In addition to the original idea of being able to phone from everywhere, cell phones are increasingly providing a means of connecting to the Internet. The iPhone in particular has acquired almost cult status. Together with the Wieseman & Theis Web-IO Digital boxes, Internet-capable cell phones like the iPhone can be used to remotely operate home and building technology. Opening and closing roll-up shutters, for example.
Custom adapted Web pages
All Web-IO models make it possible to upload your own Web pages to the built-in Web server. Optimal display on your cell phone is achieved if your own Web page is configured for the display resolution of the cell phone in question.
The resolution for the iPhone for example is:
- portrait 320 x 356 pixels
- landscape 480 x 208 pixels
We have prepared user Web pages adapted for the iPhone display which are available for downloading for the various Web-IO models:
iPhone user page for #57630/#57631
iPhone user page for #57633
iPhone user page for #57634
iPhone user page for #57650
The example shows the iPhone user page for the 12x Web-IO #57630.
The Web pages are based on JavaScript and AJAX and communicate continuously with the Web-IO. When a change to the inputs, outputs or counters is detected, the Web page is automatically updated. Of course the Web pages prepared by Weisemann & Theis can be slightly modified to your own requirements.
A detailed manual for creating iPhone-optimized Web pages can be found here:
- Switching with the iPhone
- Monitoring climate conditions with the iPhone
- Monitoring analog measurements with the iPhone
The solution shown is based on general Web standards and has the advantage that no App or IPA download has to be purchased from the App Store.
Communications channels
Mobile phones like the iPhone can open the connection to the Internet either over the public cell phone network (UMTS/GPRS) or via a WLAN connection or hotspot. Both the access speed and any fees vary considerably.
The sample Web page shown here shows a method in JavaScropt which can be used to determine the network latency time. The polling interval is automatically selected depending on what the network situation allows.
If you want the Web page to be opened on the iPhone for a longer period of time, bear in mind any resulting fees for accessing the cell network.
These steps are necessary in order to achieve remote control over the existing network.- Provide power to the Web-IO, wire up the inputs and outputs,
- connect to the network,
- assign an IP address to the Web-IO - no problem with WuTility.
- Upload user Web page optimised for the iPhone to the Web-IO
Once these steps are completed the Web page can be displayed in the iPhone.
The page is opened as follows: http://<ip-adresse>/user?PW=<passwort>&
No problem: We will be glad to send you the Web-IO Digital 2xInput, 2xOutput at no charge for 30 days. Simply fill out a sample ordering form, and we will ship the Web-IO for testing on an open invoice. If you return the unit within 30 days, we will simply mark the invoice as paid.
To sample orders