Application for Web-IO Analog-In:
Connect CO2 sensor to Web-IO Analog-In
The combination of a Web-IO Analog-In with a CO2 sensor allows you to conveniently monitor the air quality of a room. In the following you will learn how the two units connect to each other.
No problem: We will be glad to send you the Web-IO Analog-In and the CO2 sensor for 30 days at no charge. Simply fill out a sample order and we will ship the units for testing on open invoice. If you return the units within 30 days, we will fully credit the invoice.
To sample order for Web-IO Analog-In/Out 57762To sample order for CO2 sensor 57018
You have already supplied your Web-IO Analog-In- with power,
- connected it to your network,
- assigned it an IP address - which with WuTility is no problem.
Then connect the CO2 sensor to the data input of the Web-IO Analog-In and connect the power supply:
Reconfigure the device for the CO2 sensor. A manual and XML configuration files for your device for direct uploading can be found here.
Once you are finished with the configuration, the currently measured CO2 value is displayed on the Web page of your unit:
To sample order for CO2 sensor 57018