Press Release March 2010:
Analog Remote Display
Tunnel measurement values through the network
With the Web-IO Analog-In/-Out you can now send analog measurement data over the network and output it at any desired location. You can for example connect analog metering instruments to the device and show the values at a remote measuring point.
The integrated Box2Box mode allows you to tunnel the inputs through the network to another device using both the ports. The ports can be used independently of each other as an input or output.
The unit includes all the functions of the Web-IO Analog-In and so can be used universally. Each analog value (0/4..20mA or 0..10V) is captured by the unit and stored at 15 second intervals. When a limit is violated an e-mail can be sent to the responsible technician.
The in- and outputs can also be set and read using OPC, SNMP and HTTP. The Web-IO Analog-In/-Out is available as a 0/4..20mA or 0..10V version. For the first time the 4..20mA interface is also usable as an active current loop. The sampling rate of the inputs is 10Hz, and the data load on the network can be reduced using the integrated hysteresis function. The unit features high compensation accuracy and a resolution of 16 bits.
The Web-IO Analog-In/-Out 0/4..20mA, Art. 57661 and 0..10V, Art. 57662 are available at a list price of EUR 298.- W&T offers you the chance to test any of our products free of charge for 30 days.
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