Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT


Sending push notifications

Web Thermometer sends notifications to the cell phone

The Web Thermometers from Wiesemann & Theis can report limit value violations and other system events in various ways over the network. Combined with the online service ntfy.sh these messages can also be sent to a mobile phone as a push notification.

In the Web Thermometer configuration simply set the trigger condition, e.g. when prescribed temperature limits are exceeded in either direction, as well as the action to trigger. To send a push notification via ntfy.sh, the thermometer must send an HTTPS request to the server.
http request sends a push notification to the cell phone

The content of the push message is transmitted to the ntfy.sh server via an HTTPS request. From there the push notification is forwarded to the mobile phone or web app.

Application example for ntfy.sh

In our Tutorial we show what settings are necessary to send a push notification via ntfy.sh when a limit is violated.

What do you need for this tutorial? A current Web Thermometer from W&T and a PC with internet access. If you want to receive messages on a mobile phone, install the ntfy.sh app on the device.

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