Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for the Web-IO Digital:

Web-IO Digital - Using Web-API for switching

Enabling the Web-IO for switching via the Web-API

  • To change the configuration of the Web-IO you first need to obtain the necessary access rights by entering the administrator password.

    Box to Box Master
  • For switching based on an action to work across different Web-IOs, the Web-API on the Web-IO where an output should be switched must be enabled.

    To do this, in the menu tree select Communication channels >> Web-API and enable Allow HTTP-Requests

    Configuring actions

  • The outputs you want to switch remotely must be enabled for switching using HTTP requests.

  • Then you must save the configuration by clicking on Apply.

  • Access to the Web-IO and its outputs using HTTP requests is now activated.
