Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application example:

Mobile realtime alerting with Web-IO Digital and SIGNL4

Web-IO and SIGNL4

Machines, pumps, valves, fire alarm systems, temperature sensors, smoke detectors etc. are often not capable of integration into the IT system. To monitor the operating states and detect abnormal behavior or malfunctions, these units mostly offer just potential-free contacts.

Definition of tasks

Bundling the individual signals to a common system is the prerequisite for rapidly responding to anomalies of all kinds.

Only a uniform alarm platform enables rapid response teams who are responsible for business and operation continuity to immediately take the needed measures when abnormal conditions arise. Mere availability of the information on a console screen or a dashboard is not enough. If the responsible employee happens to be elsewhere, important messages may be missed.

All critical information, every warning must reach the responsible party immediately, regardless of where he is.

The solution

With the Web-IO 4.0 Digital 2xIn, 2xOut and SIGNL4, common realtime monitoring of different systems and components is possible. The reaction to fault situations is significantly speeded up and makes lightning-fast response by mobile maintenance and supervisory personnel possible.

Linking the Web-IO to the existing sensors is something the plant electrician can do - likewise integrating into the IT system. Just a few clicks is all it takes to make the SIGNL4 configuration.

Entering the world of "Industrial IoT" could hardly be faster or easier.

Learn more...

In the following we describe how to use Web-IO 4.0 to detect digital I/O states and then pass them to SIGNL4 for mobile realtime alerting.

Equipment overview

The front terminal strip of the "Web-IO 4.0 Digital, 2xIn, 2xOut" allows you to monitor two inputs. If you want to monitor the switching states of potential-free contacts, they can be optionally fed 24 volts. In this example the input labeled "Input 0" is being monitored.

Integration with SIGNL4

This state is detected by the Web-IO and can result in various actions. The action we are using here for integration with SIGNL4 is email. This requires entering the SMTP server data for SIGNL4 in the configuration of the Web-IO. The email server of SIGNL4 is reached at mail.signl4.com and supports all common encryption methods.

Once these data have been entered the email action can be set up. This area is also self-explanatory. Here in the field "Recipient email address" we enter the email address of the SIGNL4 team. The email address of a SIGNL4 team is formatted {team-id}@mail.signl4.com

Subject line and message text can be any. Use placeholders to mark the places where dynamic values will be entered later.

As the subject line we are using:

<in0> switched to <i0> (count:<c0>) on <dn> (<$y>–<$m>–<$d><$h>:<$i>:<$s>)

The message content is as follows:

<in0> = Name des ersten Input-Kanals
<i0>  = Schaltzustand des ersten Input-Kanals
<c0>  = Zählerstand des ersten Input-Kanals
<dn>  = Gerätename
<$y>  = Jahr
<$m>  = Monat
<$d>  = Tag
<$h>  = Stunde
<$i>  = Minute
<$s>  = Sekunde

These placeholders are replaced by the corresponding values before sending. Since in the message contents we have used the form "Name:Value", SIGNL4 has no problem recognizing the transmitted values and displaying them in the app.

How SIGNL4 works

Now as soon as an email is sent by the Web-IO to the SIGNL4 team, SIGNL4 automatically routes the message to all employees who have logged on for service and to the shift using the SIGNL4 app (this is done by pressing a button in the app).

The alert is then sent according to the personal settings, i.e. the type and sequence of the communication channels. For example you can configure so that when there is a new alarm a mobile push is immediately sent and a call is made 10 minutes later.

It is critical that an alarm be acknowledged in SIGNL4, either by a person or all persons in service. If this acknowledgement does not come, either the alert is repeated (every 5 minutes) or there is escalation to a manager after expiration of a certain, configurable time (e.g. 30 minutes). This essentially forces a response.

When an alarm is acknowledged, this is visible in realtime to the entire team in the mobile app. Each alarm can be commented on, and these comments are pushed to other team members in service. This raises the comments to the level of a group chat. Once the fault is eliminated, the alarm can also be marked in the app as "resolved." These actions are logged and are available for later evaluation.

SIGNL4 is thus an alerting, calibration and mini-ticketing system in one. Powerful interfaces (REST API) enable seamless incorporation into business processes and third-party applications.

For more details about mobile realtime alerting with SIGNL4 as well as the option to test the service for 30 days at no cost, go to https://www.signl4.com

Screenshots from SIGNL4 and Web-IO

Example view im the SIGNL4 app:

Screenshot SIGNL4 Web-IO Input Full   Screenshot SIGNL4 Web-IO Input   Screenshot SIGNL4 Web-IO Input in Group  


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