Temperature monitoring
in the server room and computing room
High temperatures in the server room result in system failures. They also shorten life expectance of servers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). For example, lead acid batteries lose half of their operating hours if they are used at just 8°C over the recommended temperature range. Relative humidity is also critical. If it is too high, the result is corrosion, and if it is too low, this can lead to electrostatic discharge.
Web Thermometers monitor temperature and relative humidity in your computer centre or server room. When limits are exceeded alarms are triggered which inform the responsible persons for example via email and use switching outputs to introduce responses, such as turning on additional cooling equipment.
Climate recommendation for server rooms and computing centers
The guidelines published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Condition Engineers (ASHRAE) recommend the following:
18°C to 27°C
40% to 60% RH
Read temperature directly in the browser
- Configure your Web Thermometer and get started immediately
- More: Inserting the data into other platforms
Keep an eye on temperatures with email notifications
- Setting up the mail server
- Creating individual trigger conditions
Sending limit value alarms and information messages via TCP client
- Receiving alarm messages with your own TCP server applications