PC-PC Soft-Links
Computer-computer couplings over virtual COM Ports:
W&T Soft-Links allow Windows programs whose communication normally takes place over local COM ports to use the network. Opening the virtual COM ports establishes a TCP connection between the two computers. Your application becomes network-compatible without having to change a single line of program code. Up to 256 COM ports are made available in this way.
Simply install the Soft-Link driver on both PCs running Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and add a virtual COM port. You’re done! The software will run at no charge for 30 days, after which a license must be acquired for installation.
Would you like to redirect a virtual COM port to one of our Com-Servers that links your device to the network?
To W&T COM Port Redirector
System requirements
- Operating system Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/7 incl. 64-bit and server editions.
- Network card (Ethernet)
- Installed TCP/IP stack
Software (COM Port Redirector Legacy) incl. 30-day demo