Press Release July 2011:
RS232/422/485 - Fast, transparent and universal
Reliability, simplicity, independent of operating system or special drivers, simple debugging, uncomplicated cabling ... The list of reasons why manufacturers of industrial peripherals rely on the proven RS232/422/485 interface is long. The new Com-Server++ from Wiesemann & Theis, with its high internal processing speed and expanded operating modes, offers simple, reliable and above all transparent network integration of these devices.
In spite of comparatively low transmission rates, many serial data transmissions when tunneled through networks are seen as critical with respect to acknowledgement- and character delay time. Here is where the Com-Server++ with its short latency time combined with universally configurable options for detecting serial datagram limits shows its advantages, while expanding the number of RS232/422/485 devices which can be integrated into the network.
In Multipoint mode, for example, serial data such as provided by scales, measuring instruments, manual scanners etc. can be copied to up to 6 network devices at a time.
Also new is support of Wake-on-LAN for starting up computers over the network as needed and coupled, for example, to turning on a machine tool.
The Com-Server++ can be DIN rail mounted, features a selectable RS232/422/485 combination interface and is powered either by the typical 24-48V available in a control cabinet or using PoE, with a power consumption of just 1.5W. The unit is configured over the network from a browser or via telnet.
The list price for the Com-Server++ is 298.00 EUR including any applicable VAT. W&T allows you to test any product for 30 days with no obligation.
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