Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Company description

Based in Wuppertal, Germany, Wiesemann & Theis GmbH can look back over 40 years of development and sales of microcomputer technology products and services. Founded in 1979 by Reinhard Wiesemann and Rüdiger Theis, the company has made interoperability and user friendliness a top priority and used this as a basis for developing network technology, interface converters and I/O interfaces. In 2001 the company introduced the Web Thermometer, the first industrial temperature sensor with a network interface, and even as far back as fifteen years ago began to specialize in solutions for use in Industry 4.0.

Products from W&T are known for their durability, reliability and their consistent availability. Older products are replaced when appropriate by compatible solutions. This enables long-term planning and forms the basis for a trustworthy relationship.

Wiesemann & Theis GmbH is headquartered in Wuppertal, Germany and feels a strong attachment to this low mountain range region. Twice a week their own makerspace opens the doors for young students interested in technology. Together with the state-sponsored Future through Innovation initiative and the Junior Uni of Wuppertal, young people are exposed to the fascinating subject of technology. The Winzig Foundation, which is associated with the company, focuses their work on topics from the field of early childhood development. Involvement ion the W-Tec founder’s center ensures close contact and active interchange with the local economy.

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Facts and figures:

  • Managing Director:
    Tobias Theis (M.Eng.)

  • Corporate headquarters:

  • Employees:

  • Year founded

  • Product range
    • Digital and analog I/O in the network
    • Network-based sensors
    • Networking
    • Com-Servers and USB servers
    • Serial interface converters
    • Fiber optics etc.
    • and much more


WuT logo (W&T) logo in PDF format

WuT building (W&T) corporate headquarters in Wuppertal-Nächstebreck

Equipment stand (W&T) Product examples
