Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Application for Web-Graph Air Quality:

Save energy by providing proper ventilation

Save energy by providing proper ventilation

The rise in VOC measurement values in indoor spaces is usually unpredictable, since around 85% of all room air deterioration is caused by the persons in the room. The remaining emissions are generated by the building materials or furnishings.

This uncertainty makes air exchange at a static ventilation rate anything but ideal.

If the ventilation rate...

  • ...is set based on the VOC peak value, the excess air quantity exchanged on average gives off too much energy to the environment.
  • ...is set to a low, energy-saving value, the permissible VOC limit will be exceeded at peak load times.
  • ...is set to an average, the two drawbacks just named will be added together.

Only by monitoring the air quality can a need-based air exchange be accomplished: Then just the right amount of ventilation will be provided when it is needed.

Especially if the building does not have a ventilation system the Web-Graph Air Quality with its light indicator built into the sensor or using its alarm functions can help to prevent random ventilation and thereby contribute to energy cost savings.

Here’s how it works:

  • Application and proper sensor installation

    Install sensor
  • Simple startup for the W&T Web-IO

  • Configure traffic light display

    Open browser
  • Configure email message

    Open browser
