Wiesemann & Theis GmbH

Networking, sensors and interface technology for industry, office and IT

Tools and sample programs:


Management and commissioning
Name Description Download
WuTility Management and inventorying for RFID Servers under Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

Active search for RFID Servers in the local subnet and display of all important information at a glance. Initial assignment of IP addresses, copying of entire configuration blocks, uploading firmware updates, and direct Telnet access are a few of the other functions.

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Tools for accessing the RFID Server with standard software
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Tagstore Store tag events on a database server

Active search for RFID Server devices for sending the tag events to a database server

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(approx. 198 kB)
OPC server DA, A&E The standard in industrial and building automation
*NEW VERSION as background service with A&E support*

Nearly all visualization systems support OPC for trouble-free integration of the RFID Server.

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(approx. 1,700 kB)
Sample programs and source code for communication with the RFID Server and RFID tags
Name Description Download
Visual C++ 5.0/6.0 Programming example

Here you will find programming examples for opening a connection, receiving events, switching the I/O’s and reading/writing tags.

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(approx. 68 kB)
Delphi Programming example

Here you will find programming examples for opening a connection, receiving events, switching the I/O’s and reading/writing tags.

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(approx. 595 kB)
Visual Basic Programming example

Here you will find programming examples for opening a connection, receiving events, switching the I/O’s and reading/writing tags.

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(approx. 5,621 kB)
Additional background information for developing your own socket-based applications
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Visual C++ 5.0/6.0 TCP client, TCP server, UDP communication

Simple demo projects in Visual C++ based on our book "TCP/IP Ethernet and Web-IO"

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(approx. 77 kB)
Visual Basic and Delphi TCP client, TCP server, UDP communication

The VB and Delphi samples from our book "TCP/IP-Ethernet and WEB-IO"

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(approx. 386 kB)
JAVA Demo for a TCP client, created using Borland JBuilder 4.0 ZIP download
(approx. 21 kB)
Linux TCP client demo under Linux ZIP download
(approx. 20 kB)
SCO UNIX TCP client demo under SCO ZIP download
(approx. 190 kB)