Case history:
Com-Server in box-to-box mode replacing dedicated lines
The attendance management system of a company with various remote locations is being centralized. The terminals installed at the different plants and locations are networked locally by means of an RS485 bus and connected to the attendance server at the headquarters via dedicated lines and the respective modems. As all locations were already integrated into an intranet, the obvious solution was the transfer of the attendance data via this network, thus eliminating the need for costly dedicated lines.
The Com-Servers equipped with RS485 modules are thereby operated in box-to-box mode, in which two Com-Server ports are logically connected. All incoming serial data is transferred to the partner box and redistributed from there. The network is only used as a transfer medium. The application of TCP/IP for the connection between the Com-Servers guarantees that the entire infrastructure of the network including all WAN components can be easily accessed.
To the application